
Showing posts from August, 2021

2021 Life Update

 Assalamualaikum, hi there. It's been quite some time since I last wrote here. It has been such a challenging year for me with many, many, many unexpected experiences that I've been through. Last April, I managed to get an internship placement at a school nearby my home. Unfortunately, after 4 days being there, the school closed. PKP nationwide. Weeks after weeks, months after months and its suddenly July. It has been 3 months since the school was closed.  So here's the sad story. My supervisor contacted me to ask for my internship status at the school. So, I told her, according to my understanding from the letter that my university gave the school, I was allowed to do my internship there UNTIL I finished collecting my hours. Because there's a statement in the letter that was written like that, or at least that has made me understand it that way. But, no! That statement was farrrrrrr different from what I understood. So, on 25th July, my internship ended. JUST.LIKE.THAT...