2021 Life Update

 Assalamualaikum, hi there.

It's been quite some time since I last wrote here. It has been such a challenging year for me with many, many, many unexpected experiences that I've been through. Last April, I managed to get an internship placement at a school nearby my home. Unfortunately, after 4 days being there, the school closed. PKP nationwide. Weeks after weeks, months after months and its suddenly July. It has been 3 months since the school was closed. 

So here's the sad story. My supervisor contacted me to ask for my internship status at the school. So, I told her, according to my understanding from the letter that my university gave the school, I was allowed to do my internship there UNTIL I finished collecting my hours. Because there's a statement in the letter that was written like that, or at least that has made me understand it that way.

But, no! That statement was farrrrrrr different from what I understood. So, on 25th July, my internship ended. JUST.LIKE.THAT. 

Was I sad? Hell yeah, I cried hard. It was sooo difficult to even get a placement, and when I finally got it, this happened and time just passed like that. I tried asking my site supervisor if I could extend my internship there, but she said she just took in 2 students, and if there's 3 people there to be supervised, she couldn't do it. At that point of time, I literally, literally felt like I was FIRED! 

To make it even sadder, I just finished doing 2 infographic posters as requested from my site sv, and that time, I send the posters to her Whatsapp. The minute after I send them, she told me that my internship has ended on 25th July. Imagine being in my shoes at that time. Was I heartbroken? Well I definitely was, and in fact, still am.

FYI, up until now, trainee counsellors are still not allowed to do tele-counselling, or e-counselling. NOT ALLOWED AT ALL! Well, we are only allowed to do guidance sessions online, but not counselling sessions. In which, in my situation, I am still stuck doing my practicum. Which is a pre-requisite subject before doing internship for another 2 semesters. I did my practicum since January 2021, and now its already August. How cool is that. That sucks man, seriously it sucks. Both me and another friend were the only ones who is still stuck with our practicum. We still have a few hours to finally complete our practicum but in this pandemic, not sure how we can finish it. 

Please pray for me may Allah ease me and my friend's journey. We have to graduate. It has to be next February! We can no longer tolerate this! We need to finish our internship quick, and graduate on time T_____T

If anyone who reads this happens to know a perfect and suitable place for me to do my practicum and internship, please please please let me know! I would really appreciate if you do! Just comment below or email me at traamalina95@gmail.com.

There are a few requirements for us in choosing a place though:

1. Has a licensed, registered counsellor to become my sv (at that place)

2. Has access to clients who can do ftf counselling sessions with me. 

3. In Lembah Klang area, preferably around Ampang-Gombak area.

However, if there's none in the preferred area, Insya' Allah, I'll try to reconsider going.


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