IIUM Pagoh, Johor

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone! I'm so sorry that it took me longer than expected to write a post about IIUM Pagoh hahaha!


First and foremost, IIUM Pagoh is just another branch of IIUM campus just like what they have in Kuantan and Gombak. However, what's so special about IIUM Pagoh is that, ONLY students from Kulliyyah of Languages and Mangement (KLM) will be moving there. Well, what makes us so special that we have the whole IIUM to ourselves? Well, simply because we are the ONLY ONES who do not have our own building. So yeah, Tan sri Muhyiddin Yassin was so nice that he proposed this idea of having IIUM in Pagoh which happens to be his hometown so yeah, that's the short version of the story. Just a brief one just to give uguys an idea about it.

Actually, kat Pagoh ni its going to be an education hub, and that means there will be few other universities/ institution there besides IIUM. Ada UTM, UTHM, Politeknik and IIUM. And we will have to share some facilities like the stadium, swimming pool, library (the main one), surau, court and what else pun I don't remember haha.


The most interesting part is that, classes will start on Sunday, instead of Monday like we normally have in KL haha. So, if you are so used to having Saturday and Sunday as your cuti days, looks like you guys will need to adapt to the new schedule hehehe!

Moreover, this education hub is placed in the MIDDLE OF LADANG SAWIT so yeah! Cool aye? And, lagi best, that place is soooo hot that my first impression when I went there was, "I think only cactus can survive here!". Haha it was to that extent! So my advice, please make sure to have sunblock, long sleeve COTTON shirts/clothes, covered shoes, beach hat/umbrella in your stock just to maintain your skin tone colour HAHAHA! You guys might think like, hey kata ladang sawit, kenapa panas pulak?? Well, the ladang sawit is not dalam compound kita tu, but its just nearby. So, dekat KLM building compound tu ada pun yang dah tertanam pokok-pokok kecil je, tak sempat besar lagi because the area is still very new kan. So yeah, the area is still hot!

The distance between kulliyyah and mahallah (hostel) pun I'd say a bit far la. But konon katanya nak buka short cut, but idk. In addition, we will only have TWO CAFES, one at the kulliyyah building, and one at mahallah. However, we can just go to other universities' cafes if we want to I guess.

So that is all for now. Adios!


  1. Saya risau sunburn nanti :(

  2. Assalammualaikik kak, degree duration for ENCOMM ni berapa tahun ye? And mmg IIUM Pagoh ni takde apa apa yg fun ke, sebab dia mmg in the middle of nowhere kan? The reason is sebab saya mmg tak sync dgn university situated in the middle of nowhere ni, to the extent saya harap diorang ban method mcm ni. �� mmg takde entertainment or any shops langsung eh?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Kalau ikutkan, 4 tahun. Tapi boleh je nak buat 3 tahun setengah. Setakat yang akak tahu, Pagoh memang in a middle of nowhere sbb dia tempat baru nak membangun. Kalau bab entertainment ke, kedai ke...akak x sure sbb akak pun baru sekali pergi sana hihu. Tapi nanti bila semua students dah pindah masuk edu hub tu, banyak la kot kedai buka nanti :)

    2. Dr pagoh nk ke bandar muar tu x jauh pun dlm 15 -20 mins.kalau nk pegi melaka pun bole..sejam lebih dh sampai..ok je tmpt dia

  3. *Assalammualaikum. Sorry typo....and kalau public transportation nk balik tu mcm mana kak?

    1. kalau berkaitan public transportation, ada je bas tapi stesen bas agak jauh dari kampus kita. Maybe around 40 mins or so

  4. Hi, would like to ask if IIUM Pagoh is for only KLM Degree Students or for both Foundation and Degree KLM students ya? Thank you. Very informative :)

    1. Hi there. IIUM Pagoh is only for KLM undergraduate (degree) and postgraduate (masters) students :)

  5. Assalamualaikum kak.. kalau arcom foundation kat pagoh jugak ke? Lg satu susah x klm ni🙈? Saya dpt tawaran nak msuk bln 11 ni, tp saya x berape tau sgt psl subjek ni

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Kalau foundation kat PJ lagi dik...yang kat Pagoh ni yang dah masuk degree atau masters je:) Kalau untuk subjek ARCOM, akak x sure sangat. Tapi akak boleh tolong tanyakan kat kawan2 ARCOM :D

    2. foundation akan di PJ , tp nanty bulan 1 akan pindah ke KUANTAN ..sis rasa awak tak perlu kot terima tawaran ni kalau awak da selesa dengan apa yang awak belajar sekarang ..sebab asasi awak takkan tahu apa yang awak belajar untuk degree ..arcom akan belajar subjek lulus utk ke degree seperti bisnes , statistik,public speaking(arabic) dan lain2 ...so , awak takkan tahu apa sebenarnye arcom..once u da masok degree baru u tahu.. sis bukan nak lemahkan semangat awak tapi sis tak mo awak jadi macam kawan sis yang menyesal ..so , PIKIR DULU SEBELUM TUKAR UNIVERSITI ..KENGKADANG IA TAK SEPERTI YANG KITA HARAPKAN ..

  6. Hey, first comment in 2018 lol!
    -Syu :P

  7. Insha-Allah anak bujang saya akan buat degree encom di campus Pagoh..now tgh buat foundation di campus Kuantan after spending few months di PJ..

  8. assalamualaikum sis tumpang tanya. kampus pagoh tu wifi okay tak? and kat sana telco apa yg okay? considering that the place is quite remoted kan haha

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Wifi di kuliyyah tak stable, di hostel pun sama. Line kat bilik tingkat bawah (hostel) lagi teruk berbanding bilik2 kat tingkat atas. Tapi mcm sis pakai celcom, so far kat mana2 pun dia okay je. Kalau kat kuliyyah pulak, ada certain places je dpt wifi. mcm kat resource centre, kat lecture theatre, cafe, and certain classroom dpt wifi. Kena look for areas yang laptop/phone you can connect sbb kadang tu member boleh dpt wifi, tp kita punya laptop tak dpt..gitulah keadaannya so far. Telco paling stable pun celcom. Maxis, digi, umobile tak stable. Hope this helps!

  9. Assalamu'alaikum sis .. nak tanya .. boleh drive kereta tak kat sana?

  10. Assalamualaikum kak,tumpang tanya, macamana route dari KLIA2 ke kampus iium pagoh ni ye?Maksud saya,dari stesen bas terdekat ke kampus ni,berapa minit ye?Ada grab/uber tak?Sebab tak ada transport sendiri kalau nak ke kampus ni.Baru dapat offer semalam.
    Btw,nice entry :)

  11. nak tanya....uia pagoh ni ada library tak? kalau ada...ada wifi sekali tk?

    1. ada library tapi shared facility, bermakna share dgn uni lain. Tapi KLM ada gak tapi resource centre je, bermakna kecik jela hehe but yes both the library and resource centre ada wifi :)

  12. Assalamualaikum
    Makcik nak tanya ni, kat sana pelajar dibenarkan bawa kereta ke tidak ye? Anak makcik baru dapat tawaran rayuan...

    1. Waalaikimsalam...Allahu,minta maaf sangat2 lambat reply makcik. Pertama sekali, tahniah untuk anak makcik :) Untuk makluman makcik, pelajar tahun 3 keatas je boleh bawa kereta. Tapi kalau nak bawa motosikal takde masalah Insya'Allah.

  13. Asm. Saya nak tanya juga. Pendaftaran dan orientasi pelajar baru dibuat di pagoh atau di gombak?

  14. Anak sy masuk sept 2023. Orientasi di gombak tp hostel pagoh..
    Sukar utk waris yg jauh di utara ni nak g hantar..
    Seminggu dibgombak baru nak p pagoh..mcm mana tu


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