What is ENCOM all about?! Part 1 (CFS ver.)

Salam. Yosh! So malam ni rasa macam nak cakap pasal ENCOM lah sbb rindu dah kat kengkawan ENCOM aku hik hik ! Post kali ni maybe akan berguna utk manusia2 yang dapat/nak masuk UIA, minat tahap "baban" kat Bahasa Inggeris dan masih konpius nak amek program Bachelor in English (BENL) ataupun English for International Communication (ENCOM) ni.

So first of all..aku nak introduce benda alah ni kat korang. Okay, I dunno much about BEN, tp kalau pasal ENCOM Insya Allah aku dapat terangkan. Okay, nak terang mana dulu eh. Okay, aku buat comparison je la. 


  • Siapa nak jd cikgu, lecturer..sila lah amek course ni haha.
  • Akan bljr subjects like drama, poetry, Basic Research Method & Report Writing & so on..
  • Siapa yang suka membaca, belajar serious2(baca buku and stuff) boleh la amek ini course.
*like i said td, i dunno much abt BEN, so sket jela aku tulis haha. Nak tahu lebih2, kena rujuk pada kengkawan BEN aku ler haha :p

  • dari nama course pun dh tau its COMMUNICATION people! mesti ah communication en LOL.
  • its more PRACTICAL & sgt best tak tipu bhahahahaha.o
  • Subjek yg ada exam hanyalah 4 je okay. Total core courses kita ada 8, dan exam hanya ada 4 OMG uguys isn't that COOL enough????
  • Lecturers kita gila bapak gempaks i tell u! And setakat ni kita ada 3 lecturers je ok. Sgt sikit dan mudah kamcheng haha.
  • Subjects yg akan kita belajar ialah Critical Thinking, Public Speaking, Basic Research Methodology, Intro to Management (ni semua xdak exam!), Intro to Communication, Basic Social Science, Reading Skills & lastly Writing Skills.
  • Kita x belajar mcm membaca je dlm kelas, tu yg best tu. And course ni, ada  banyak gila gila PRESENTATIONS..dh nama communication kan so yeah.
  • Mostly markah kita berdasarkan presentation kita la.
  • Seperti yg semua org tahu bila masuk UIA ni kan WAJIB amek Arab kan? korang kena complete kan lessons Arab korang sampai Level 6! Takde tapi tapi, tiada kompromi! haaaaa..ni good news buat manusia2 yg nak amek ENCOM. Kita punya lesson Arab sampai Level 2 je babes. Best kan?! *wink sket!* (^_<)
  • Yang pentingnya, korang punya level English masa korang amek placement test (EPT) tu, paling kurang kena lah sampai Level 6. Selagi korang x EXIT EPT atau selagi korang x sampai level  6, takde maknanya korang akan dpt start belajar subjek ENCOM.
  • Boleh belajar foreign language mcm Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic kat main campus nanti :D
  • Boleh join program pertukaran pelajar. Ada yg boleh pergi sekajap sementara tunggu nak masuk sem baru (3 weeks lebih krg). 
  • Yang pergi exchange programme ke Korea, duduk sana satu sem (4 bulan)
  • Exchange ke Turki, lama sikit compared to Korea, so Turki pergi lebih kurang 5 bulan. 
  • Kalau korang rajin, cari universiti yang korang berhasrat nak buat exchange programme, bagitau kat office KLM, kalau uni yang korang nak tu ada MOU, lagi senang. Boleh settle cepat. Kalau TAKDE MOU, jangan risau, masih boleh pergi. Pergi minta nasihat Student Affair's Advisor, selalunya dorang akan tolong untuk apply MOU dari uni tu supaya korang dapat pergi. Ramai je students ARCOM pergi Algeria, Jeddah, & ada dengar ura ura ada yang nak gi Morocco jugak. Kalau MLCOM ada yang pergi Uzbekistan, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia pun boleh apply kalau nak ╰(▔∀▔)╯
  • Kalau EPT korang dh exit, and Arab korang pun dh lepas Level 2 (sepanjang korang kat CFS PJ), Insya Allah program asasi korang SETAHUN je! Paling lama pun 1 thn 1/2 je huhu.
  • Degree program kat Gombak kalau nak ikutkan, 3 tahun setengah je, tapi kalau korang tak nak rushing nak grad, 4 tahun la :)
Weh banyaknya nak kena cakap pasal ENCOM ni aduh. Oh pasal peluang pekerjaan lak, drpd apa yg lecturer aku cite, kalau dlm bab2 jawatan besau ni, kita boleh jd AMBASSADOR, pegawai kerajaan ke, diplomat, kerja2 kat luar negara ni la senang citer. Kerja dgn syarikat corporate memana ke..gitu ah. Jd translator boleh semua ah. Disebabkan banyak sangat, kalau ada pape soalan, tanya la kat comment box je apa ke tu ok?! Kalau nak tanya AA lagi senang hahaha almaklum aku ni pun kadang tu tatau jugak hehe. Ok..aku nak layan drama cina dulu, Kbai!

P.S : Aku ada terjumpa satu blog sis ni dia ada cerita pasal subjek2 BENL. So kalau nak lagi jelas & ajaran yang lebih tepat, boleh la cekidaut blog sis tu kat sini tau sebab aku kalau selain course ENCOM ni mungkin ajaran sesat belaka aku bagi kih3.


  1. hello sis. Can I pursue with degree of tesl after the encom foundation?

  2. Salam sis saya nak tanya lepas foundation in encom boleh sambung degree ape ye? n senang ke nak cari kerja dgn degree in encom ni?kinda takut jugak nak ambik course ni sbb tak banyak sangat dengar bout this course so yeah..

    1. Wasalam. Boleh sambung degree in ENCOM la of course haha. Hmm ENCOM ni sebenarnya dah lama dah wujud kat luar negara, cumanya kalau kat Malaysia tu baru la jugak. ENCOM is a practical course, so Insya Allah kat mana mana pun org campak kita, we can survive with whatever knowledge yg kita dh belajar dlm course ni:) Communication is vital and Insya Allah, kita boleh kerja kat mana mana syarikat

  3. Assalamualaikum...akak,, kos ni ramai amik tak?

    1. wasalam. kalau setakat ni, jumlah students encom SAHAJA tu ada la mencecah 100 kot. akak sendiri tak sure jumlah dia tp kalau nak dibandingkan dgn kos lain2 tu mmg kami sikit. sebabnya kan kos ni baru diwujudkan 3-4 tahun lps. tp masa tgh sikit ni la lagi best sbb takde gap sangat antara batch batch:D Kiranya mcm kitorang hampir kenal setiap org yg ambik course ni la en haha. kalau awk berminat nak join, meh la! the more the merrier!

  4. Salam sis sy baru bertukar kos ke encom. Asasi encom di pj or gombak. Sbb pelik kene refer ke AA kat gombak.

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Hai! Welcome to the family hee:D Uhm, to be honest, akak sendiri blur & confuse dgn management kat U kita ni sbb time akak asasi dulu kat PJ kan..mcm last year..kiranya batch before you punya asasi kat gombak (akak pun xtau knp dorang kat sini sbnrnya sbb patutnya bdk econs je yg kat sini kan). and then sir rizal (ur lecturer gak kan? ngehee) kata ENCOM asasi kena pindah ke PJ balik, tp x confirm lg haritu :/..takpe nanti akak try tanya lecturers & i'll get back to u later kay Insya Allah! :)

    2. salam sis azreen, i dah tanya lecturer dah he said u guys punya program asasi kat PJ. based on sir rizal, he said AA korang skrg ustazah reen, akak pun x kenal lg siapa huhu. takpe sis, yg penting u kena alert dgn any announcement berkaitan dgn encom sbb kalau tak, takut tertinggal:) hope my reply helps!

  5. Salam sis. Kalau bi tak terror sangat still boleh masuk kos ni tak? Heeee

    1. waalaikumsalam. hehehe, Insya Allah boleh. course mana mana pun kita belajar, dah nama pun pelajar, semua still dlm proses belajar huhu. Nak kata semua student ENCOM hebat BI, tak juga. Asalkan u are willing to improve urself, Insya Allah mesti boleh. Hebat ke tak hebat tak penting, yg penting tu kita belajar. All the best!

  6. Salam sis. Saya dapat course BMCOM , saya nak tanya sis, boleh tak kalau kita nak tukar course kita from BMCOM to ENCOM ?

    1. wasalam. Pertama sekali, saya nak minta maaf sangat2 sbb baru reply soalan sebab sis ni. Saya sbnrnya dah lama tak buka blog ni huhu..ni pun baru tergerak hati nak buka tiba2 :D
      Jawapan saya utk pertanyaan sis tadi tu is yes, boleh tukar course. Memandangkan sy baru reply soalan awk skrg, sy harap sangat sis dah berjaya tukar course ke ENCOM huhuhu. Minta maaf sekali lagi sbb lambat reply!

  7. assalam sis, kalau skrg saya ambik dip in english dkt upsi. kalau degree nnt saya nk sambung encom boleh ke?

    1. waalaikum salam. Boleh je ambik degree dlm encom nanti:) Takde masalah pun nak apply mana mana course sebenanrnya

  8. salam. Saya nk tahu course apa je saya boleh amik in degree nanti?? Tq ��

  9. Salam sis,nak tanya kalau tak exit english. Memang takkan start belajar subjek tu ya? And asasi encom kena pindah uia pagoh ke nnti?

    1. wasalam. Bukan kalau tak exit english tak leh start belajar subjek tu, tp requirement dia mesti english level 6 OR exit:) Kalau english awak level 6 dah boleh start belajar dah. Pasal asasi kena pindah pagoh tu tak sure :(

    2. Nak tukar course boleh bila eh?

    3. Awak dah masuk degree ke belum? Kalau dah masuk degree, kalau dah 3rd year pun boleh je nak tukar hahaha. Kalau still asasi, nak tukar sblm habis asasi pun boleh, nak tukar sblm masuk degree pun boleh. Cuba awak tanya AA utk kepastian :D

  10. Saya sebenarnya nk amik law. And then dpt foundation in encom.saya ada dgr encom boleh amik law masa degree nanti.betul ke?

    1. dia depends. kadang2 tu ada orang yang tak berjaya tukar course, ada yang berjaya. Mcm ada sorang ni, masa asasi dia encom, pastu dia tukar ke law. Dia kena tukar asasi law dulu...kiranya extend tahun kat asasi la sbb kena amek subjek asasi law dulu akak rasa

  11. And saya dpt tahu drpd kwn saya kalau takde subject legal system takleh amik law later? Is it true?

  12. wasalam. exchange programme tu masa degree je haha. Asasi duduk kat CFS je huhuhu

  13. Klau ambik encom, smbung degree nnti boleh ambil tesl tak?

    1. boleh je, tapi kenapa tak nak sambung degree ENCOM je terus?

  14. salam sis, sorry but i think i really need some help and enrichment about encom here since i've finished foundation in benl and at first i really do wanna change to encom later in degree however hearing about the pagoh issue, it kind of make me doubting of my choice. boleh tak sis explain lebih lanjut pasal encom ni bc i already start considering benl as my degree course.

    1. Wasalam. First of all, have no doubts bro! Pagoh shouldn't be a big issue hahaha. Well, many of us are actually against the idea of moving to pagoh especially yg dah final year kan. However, lepas fikir2 balik, ada baiknya juga pindah ke sana (esp for juniors la). At least we can have our own building haha. Ok, cenggini la dik.

      First of all, as we know, BENL & ENCOM are both english courses. Lemme list down the differences between these 2:

      1. BENL is under KIRKHS (human sciences). So syllabus korang and subjects extra extra yg korang kena belajar are basically IRKHS subjects (eg.: hadith)
      BENL ni fokus dia kat LITERATURE. BENL tu sendiri pun mmg bachelor of english language and literature kan hehe. Unlike ENCOM, our main focus is COMMUNICATION sbb ENCOM stands for English for International Communication. However, we do learn linguistics, a bit of literature and communication as well. This is because, for ENCOM, we are under Kulliyyah of LANGUAGES AND MANAGEMENT. We have a mixture of language as well as management. Tapi we still learn syntax, morphology, sociolinguistics, interpersonal communication, semantics, applied linguistics etc).
      2. Selaras dgn nama kulliyyah, like I said, kitorang ada belajar management kan? We dont have a special subject yg ajar management, tp for EVERY SUBJECT, pasti akan ada event yg kita kena buat. so mcm bljr management scr tak langsung la gitu. For example:
      -Intro to world literature, kena buat drama (so bljr manage a play, cari crew la apa semua).
      -Persuasion and speech communication (1-kena buat program dgn budak2 sekolah, practice cara nak persuade school kids and 2-industrial talk with professional guests from the industry-persuade org dr industry utk hire kita for their company)

      Ok nak list kan semua banyak sgt. Senang kata, course ni SANGAT PRAKTIKAL la. Theory tu kurang sikit la as compared to BENL. Subjects yg takde final exam pun banyak, tp kena ganti dgn assessment yg banyak gilos like seriously. CAM akan jd tinggi la, 60% CAM final 40% je

      And yang PALINGGGG UTAMA, aside from kena buat event semua, SETIAP SUBJEK kena buat RESEARCH PAPER. Part ni, memang sangat menguji kekuatan fizikal dan mental especially. Dahla setiap subjek nak kena buat event, pastu ada pulak research paper. The struggle is real bro. Mesti akan ada sleepless nights throughout the sem.

      I dont want to scare you, but whenever ada org kata nak masuk ENCOM ni, I'll automatically say, if you really wanna join ENCOM, make sure you are MENTALLY PREPARED haha. Bcs any courses that are under KLM (kulliyyah of languages and management) is not as easy as it seems like. So, my advice, solat istikharah dulu...and ask for Allah's guidance huhu. Mmg org akan kata, semua course pun susah, but if u wanna join us, u NEED to know how to manage your stress well, bcs if not, you'll end up changing your course again hehe. Itu je nasihat I...hopefully it gives you some enlightenment! Kalau ada nak tanya lagi, feel free to ask. Insya'Allah I will reply.

  15. assalamualaikum kak..nk tanya kalau dri encom nk tukar ke law boleh ke?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Dia tengok nasib sebenarnya kalau nak tukar kos ni. Tapi procedure untuk tukar kos kat UIA ni, first, you pergi office KLM, bagitahu dorang awak nak tukar kos. And then, contact juga academic advisor dari AIKOL and maklumkan pada dorang you nak tukar masuk AIKOL. You boleh refer website UIA untuk dapatkan no tel atau emel staff berkenaan. However, standard procedure dia mmg nanti korang akan disuruh untuk belajar at least 1 sem dalam your current course. Contoh in your case, you kena belajar 1 sem dalam ENCOM dulu. Then lepas dapat result, both KLM & AIKOL (Kulliyyah of Laws) akan buat keputusan sama ada KLM nak lepaskan you masuk AIKOL & sama ada AIKOL nak terima you join dorang. And that, will be based on your result. Kena rajin emel person in charge AIKOL la. Kalau pape nanti AIKOL akan contact you terus, mungkin dia akan mintak you sediakan beberapa dokumen berkenaan ke mcm result slip contohnya. First step lepas you mohon nak tukar kos tu mungkin dia akan panggil untuk interview tukar kos ke centu la. Akak harap jelas lah procedure yang akak bagi ni hihihi. Oh and sorry reply lambat, serius tak perasan ada comment...i hope this helps!

  16. hiiii sy baru nak masuk ENCOM , any tips utk budak yg ada social anxiety mcm saya :(

  17. Hi there! Akak takde la tips ke apa kan. Tbh, akak dulu pun ada social anxiety. Tapi that was actually the main reason I joined ENCOM. Kalau tak, asalnya akak dpt offer human sciences hehehe. Akak join ENCOM sebab akak nak cabar diri and nak get rid of my social anxiety tu. Alhamdulillah, it worked! Dah asyik kena present je kat depan kan, bila dah terbiasa, dia akan jadi ok. Alah bisa tegal biasa gitu :D Sekarang ni still ada la saki baki social anxiety tu tapi memang banyak sgt perubahan pd diri ni, sampaikan ada orang pernah tegur akak, dia cakap akak dah lebih sociable and talkative compared to dulu hahaha! Ok la kan tu! And biasanya kita jd anxious sebab kita takut terbuat salah, takut kena judge, takut kena kutuk kan. Tapi ni semua kan proses pembelajaran! Semorang akan buat salah walaupun dia tu best student ke, hatta lecturer pun. Plus, lebih baik korang buat salah, and orang tegur drpd takde buat salah pastu sampai terasa diri bagus sangat ha gitu! Takpe kalau salah pronounce perkataan pun, salah grammar ke. Minta tolong kawan2 tegur kalau awak buat salah. Saling menegur la sama kawan kawan. Kalau orang tak tegur, kita tak tahu pulak kita punya salah kan! No worries, you'll get through this and semoga awak dapat overcome your social anxiety like I did! All the best!

  18. Assalam akak, saya student cfs encom, kalau saya nak tukar ke tesl boleh ke ?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Boleh tu boleh je nak try tp belum tentu dapat approval la...kalau nak tukar masa cfs, awak kena start balik la. Sebab kos dah berbeza so subjek pun lain. Tapi, ni masa zaman akak dulu la which is 6 tahun lepas la hihi. Sekarang akak x sure mcm mana. Tapi kalau ikutkan procedure uia awak kena ambil at least satu sem dalam encom, and then dah dapat result exam then only dorang akan decide awak boleh tukar kos ke x. Cuba pergi jumpa AA encom & boleh try pergi dept tesl jugak tanya procedure nak tukar kos cane :) All the best!

    2. Akak, boleh terangkan dgn lebih lanjut tak ENCOM ni macam mana? Sebab saya rasa nak continue in ENCOM hehe

    3. Awak nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang encom tu dari segi apa? ahaks! >.< Ce specify, senang sikit nak cerita hihihi

    4. Everything kak, kalau boleh cerita apa yang best pasal encom

    5. wow wow, kalau macam ni kena buat satu post lain ni haha kalau tak panjang x cukup ruang kat sini lulz! Kalau nak mudah, you can leave your email address/just email me and we can chit chat via email je lg senang! Ok?

    6. ni email saya, lovelyizzah.nurulizzah31@gmail.com

  19. assalamualaikum, saya bakal cfs encom. saya ada baca salah satu subj saya akan belajar ialah business studies so kalau degree saya nak sambung business tu boleh ke?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Hmmm untuk soalan cfs encom newer version akak dah tak boleh nak jawabkan huhu sebab masa akak cfs dulu subjek kitorang mmg khas subjek encom shj...business studies ni semua takde >.< Sorry sangat2 tak dapat membantu!

  20. kalau saya ambik cfs encom ni degree apa saya boleh sambung?

    1. yang akak paling confident nak cakap tu, of course lah degree in encom sendiri kih3. Usually kalau nak sambung degree dalam course yg lain drpd asasi ni, kulliyyah akan tetapkan beberapa requirement la kot...antaranya dia akan tgk result awak dalam current course tu mcm mana. contohnya kawan akak dulu dr asasi encom, tp nak sambung degree in counselling dia kena pergi interview :) Setakat tu jelah yang akak tahu hihi. Sorry kalau x membantu!

  21. kak bleh terangkan tak proses sepnjg bljr encom ni? best ke? sebab saya dpt matriks & asasi encom ni tk tahu nk pilih yg mne

    1. Proses? hmmm proses dia biasa je takde proses pun sebenarnya...semua kos pun sama takde lain pun. Tapi kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut ttg degree encom, boleh cekidaut kat post akak lagi satu entitled "Encom Part 3: Degree Ver."

    2. another advice yang akak boleh bagi is, kalau dapat tawaran antara asasi & matriks, i would definitely advice org ambik asasi. Sebab kalau asasi, tempat awak untuk sambung degree tu lebih secured berbanding matriks. Contohnya akak dulu asasi CFS IIUM, habis asasi akak terus dapat masuk degree kat UIA Gombak pulak. Tak payah susah2 apply UPU balik ha gitu :)

  22. presentations smue tu susah tak? Presentations tu sorang or dlm group? english sy biasa biasa je, sesuai ke masuk asasi ni ��

    1. and contoh tajuk2 presentations?

  23. lecturers semua sampai akak degree garang2 tak?

    1. huish banyaknya spam soalan haha!

      1. Pasal presentation, boleh refer kat entry yang "Encom Part 3".

      2. English biasa2 takde masalah, tak perlu cakap english macam mat saleh pun hahaha asalkan tahap bahasa inggeris tu cukup layak utk diterima masuk ENCOM dah ok lah tu hehe. (masuk UIA kena ambik English Placement Test, so kalau awak lepas level english yg dorang tetapkan utk encom kira ok la tu).

      3. To me, takde satu pun presentation yang akak pernah buat mudah sebab bila nak present awak kena buat research on the topic tu betul2 then barulah awak faham apa yg nak di present. Kalau tak tu, alamatnya kelaut la presentation awak haha. Yang penting, orang faham apa awak present.

      4. Tajuk presentation ada berlambak dik. Actually ENCOM ni akak rasa course kat UIA yang paling tak guna buku teks. Usually refer pd slides lecturer je. Kalau ada buku pun nanti lecturer akan bgtau buku apa kena guna, then tajuk presentation refer pada situ lah. Different lecturers different choice of text book, thats all i can say.

      5. So far lecturer ada dua lah lecturer yang garang. Yang lain tu sempoi jer :D

    2. hihi sorry spam, thank you kak!

  24. kak kalau belajar encom ni kene belajar language lain jgk ke

    1. ha'ah memang kena belajar at least satu language asing.

  25. Assalamualaikum kak, saya amik encom ni saya nak tahu, kalau grad encom, apa peluang pekerjaan saya ya?? Saya sgt buntu sbb saya dpt offer uitm perakaunan jugak huhu

    1. waalaikumsalam. Sebenarnya kan, degree awak tak menentukan pekerjaan awak pun. Contoh kan, kawan2 akak ramai yang end up jadi cikgu, jadi customer service, kerja dgn broadcasting company buat benda yang mmg lain drpd apa yang diaorang bljr masa encom dulu...so, nasihat akak, buat lah istikharah, minta petunjuk dari Allah,semoga ditunjukkan jalan yang terbaik buat awak ye :) Satu lagi, bagi akak, pilih ikut minat awak. Awak lebih cenderung ke arah mana,subjek kira2 atau language? Awak suka kerja yang berinteraksi dengan orang/teamwork atau buat kerja seorang diri? Kalau encom, memang awak digalakkan untuk bekerja in a team. Kalau account, this is just my assumption tho, lebih banyak kerja sendiri sbb awak buat kira2 tu biasanya sorang kan... It all depends on you! I hope my advice helps you in any way :D

  26. Akak nak tanya, ada interview ka untuk masuk asasi ni?

    1. Insya' Allah takde interview kalau direct apply dari UPU. Tapi, kalau awak dari kos lain, nak tukar ke ENCOM, ada interview (juniors akak kata, akak takde iv pun dulu walaupun tukar dari kos lain)

  27. Assalamualaikum akak, I've been considering on taking this course for the longest time and I'm pretty excited about it. Nak tanya je. Arab lessons tu memang requirement dia sampai level 2 kan, is it hard to balance the arab lessons with the rest of the programme? Also, what is the most challenging part about taking ENCOM?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Tq for stopping by and tq for considering ENCOM as an option! hahaha >.<

      Okay, Arabic lessons tu kan, akan ditentukan masa awal2 awak masuk CFS UIA. Akan ada Arabic placement test (APT), English Placement Test (EPT) & Tilawah Placement Test (TPT). So for Arabic, hasil markah daripada test tu yang akan menentukan you arabic level berapa. Kalau you dah memang ada basic arabic masa sekolah, usually you akan masuk terus Level 2 ataupun you exempted, which means you takyah study arabic dah. However, kalau you takde basic, usually akan masuk Level 1, and bila final exam nanti kalau markah you okay, boleh terus exempted without having to go to Level 2 pun.

      As for balancing subjek Arab & the programme, takde masalah pun. Masa zaman akak dulu, I only did my foundation prog 1 year, which equals to 3 semesters. I took arabic language only for the first sem, together witb another 4 ENCOM subjects and it was fine for me. No pressure. For those yang takde basic biasanya sangat risau bila kena belajar bahasa arab, but worry not because Arabic level 1 tu literally level kindergarten je! So Insya' Allah takde stress2 (depends on your lecturer as well to make it fun and not stressful!) and no problem in balancing all of the lessons Insya' Allah!

    2. wahh thank you so much for the info. You've been a great help! Kalau ada apa2 lagi questions pasal encom, can I just refer to you instead? I don't know anyone else with you knowledge

    3. can Insya'Allah...I'll try to help what I can :) Feel free to email me if you want to ask anything. Contact me at gustiputeri95@gmail.com

  28. to take ENCOM do I have to take foundation in English programme (cfs)?

  29. susah ke test ni : Arabic placement test (APT), English Placement Test (EPT) & Tilawah Placement Test (TPT)
    and what should i prepare for these test hehehe.. nervous dah lama tak study arab

    1. Hmmm boleh tahan gak la soalan dia. During my time dulu, dia suruh buat essay utk menerangkan graph something like that. Bukan narrative essay. Lupa apa nama jenis essay camtu. For Arabic pun ada essay gak selain soalan grammar apa semua tu. Tp essay dia bagi tajuk then kita kena buat essay. Kalau you nak reka ayat essay sendiri pun boleh (like I did, tp level arab I takat level 2 je hahaha) tak layak utk dpt exemption 🤣 If you know a lot of vocabulary l, it will really help I think :) Tilawah test pulak dia akan test kita punya bacaan je. Tp tilawah rasanya semorang pun kena amik gak sbb wajib tp kebel je beza2. Tp tilawah ada 2 level je kalau x silap :D

    2. omg baru perasan banyak typo! kih3...i hope u understand :D

  30. EPT untuk encom lain ke anddd susah takk

    1. EPT standard utk semua student UIA. Cumanya kalau you punya level EPT tu level 5,you belum boleh study subject ENCOM lagi masa CFS. Tapi kalau u dah masuk level 6,baru akan start belajar subjek encom :)

  31. Kalau saya dari diploma sains kesihatan, tapi saya minat English boleh ke saya belajar ENCOM?

  32. yessss, of course takde masalah sama sekali! :D

  33. saya apply encom as my first choice upu, memang minat english and nak proceed belajar butttt saya rasa anxious sikittt sebab all my life science is my speciality, and back then i confident gila dengan dentistry but now i don't feel like it,, if you know what i mean AHAHAHHAH, how's is life as encom student and work life (if you're working) and if you don't senang ke dapat kerja and best ke encom niiii (you can see how anxious how i am hehe),, sorry but i REALLY appreaciate your advice and answers xoxo

  34. Hello there! Well, pembelajaran kat universiti lain daripada sekolah. Macam masa sekolah dulu kan kita terpaksa study semua subjek dalam syllabus, tapi kat uni ni kalau awak betul minat kos tu, Insya' Allah you'll get through it no matter how hard it might be:) My life as an ENCOM student was full with colours haha! Its like getting on a roller coaster >w< Like, there were times when I really wanted to quit and change course, but Alhamdulillah I managed to get myself together, and decided to finish my studies. There were also times whereby I really liked being in my course and was so grateful that I made the decision to choose ENCOM. I met great people who taught me a lot. Who pushed me to become the best version of myself. I really improved on my communication skills and anxiety to present in front of people throughout my 4 years of studies. Unfortunately if you're asking regarding the working life, I'm afraid I wont be of any help haha! I am continuing my studies atm (diff course though) but tbh, getting a job these days is challenging despite what course you studied on. But worry not about getting a job, what's important now is for you to study. Try not to stress yourself on the future, but rather live in the here and now, ok? :) Don't be anxious, just relax and ask for guidance from Allah if you're not sure with your choice <3 Hope my sharing helps! Don't hesitate to ask more if you have any questions ya!

  35. Assalamualaikum. May I ask where is the campus for ENCOM students?

  36. waalaikumsalam. ENCOM degree campus would be in Pagoh, Johor. For more information, you can refer to my previous post specifically talking about Pagoh campus here >>> https://traamalina.blogspot.com/2019/07/iium-pagoh-part-3-kulliyyah-of.html

  37. Salam sister, I'm currently in ENCOM and in my third year. Alhamdullilah still going strong haha. I was wondering besides all the aforementioned career paths, I really want to dive into speech therapy/pathology. As a senior, what's your take on this? Is it possible to do so?

    1. Wassalam! Wuhoo congrats for staying strong bro! Well, tbh i dont really know about speech therapy. Last time during my time, it was a touch and go thingy...we didnt even learn much about it. However if im not mistaken, a senior did her internship in this field, I’ll ask her about it and get back to u again asap yeah!

    2. Alrighty, Thank you. If you don't mind, you can just email me at ira.danish193@gmail.com

  38. assalamualaikum sis..

    kalau student yg selalu dpt A minus utk subj eng dkt sklh ni ..agak agak lyk ke nk amik asasi english or even encom?

  39. Waalaikumsalam.

    Insya Allah layak, takde masalah :) All the best!

  40. assalamualaikum sis..

    boleh ke saya f5 pure sc.. n bercadang nk amik asasi economic ?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Kalau nak tahu apa syarat2 kelayakan, kena cek kat website uni yang awak nak apply tu dik...sebab lain2 uni, lain syarat dia :)

  41. Replies
    1. kena cek kat website uni yang awak nak apply tu :) Kat situ mereka akan senaraikan semua syarat2 dan borang apa yang diperlukan untuk apply juga

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Hi akak!! I'M currently an Asasi TESL student in UITM Dengkil pondering about what I shoulr take for degree. My questions for you are .. are the subjects for degree is the same as you've stated and do degree students also have to take the arabic exams?

    1. Hey there! I've shared the subjects for degree in another entry. You can check it out for the entry titled "ENCOM Part 4". For ENCOM students, we are required to learn Arabic until level 2 only :) If you pass level 2 in the Arabic placement test, no need to take arabic exams anymore, unless you take arabic as your elective subject!

  44. Hi sis. Apa beza encom dengan asasi bahasa inggeris?

  45. Hi..sorry lambat reply. Bezanya kalau asasi bahasa inggeris tu namanya BENL. Bachelor of english Language and literature. Meaning dorang fokus lebih kpd literature, linguistics gitu..kalau encom ni dia punya focus is communication. Meaning kita punya subjects akan include communication subjects mcm international communication, persuasive communication, business communication, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication pun ada..tapi kita still belajar subjek2 english mcm linguistics, semantics, syntax, translation etc..:) BENL focus dia tentang english language and literature tp encom ni communication and english linguistics

  46. assalamualaikum hiii. i have a favour to ask. ada tak contoh slides dari courses or subjects untuk foundation in encom ni. kalau ada boleh ke saya nak tengok? you can reach me at arifahzahiah@gmail.com if tak menyusahkan. thank you very much this will help me a lot. have a good day and blessed ramadhan :)

    1. or if there is any way that i can reach you at just let me know. thank you so much :)

    2. waalaikumsalam sis...i dont remember if i have any slides from foundation dulu...but I'll check first and will let you know asap ya through email

  47. Salam sis,kalau dah grad encom,nak jadi cikgu kena apply sijil perguruan ke?

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Betul sis, kalau nak jadi cikgu memang kena ada sijil perguruan :)

  48. Assalamualaikum akak promax student here>×<.sye minat encom tp BI sye B. Dlm syarat khas nk Bi AT LEAST A- :(
    Bole ke??

    1. Waalaikumsalam, oh ya ke...kalau dia dah state kat requirement dia result BI at least kena A-, ikut yang tu la kot. Sebabnya, fakulti sendiri yang dah tetapkan requirement tu kan hihi. Takpe sis, kalau nak try pun boleh tapi letak la pilihan bawah2 sikit kot. Pilihan atas2 tu pastikan letak pilihan yang awak boleh penuhi syarat dia. Issokay, awak boleh cuba nasib lagi untuk degree nanti :)

  49. hi kak kalau saya time sekolah menengah amik sains tulen tapi sya nak join course ni for diploma boleh ke? atau student sastera je boleh

  50. hi kak boleh ke kalau saya berminat join course ni utk diploma,walaupun saya budak sains tulen time sekolah menengah atau student aliran sastera je boleh

    1. hi awak. Kos ni takde offer untuk diploma..ada untuk asasi je dik

    2. tapi setahu akak dia takde kisah pun awak dari aliran apa masa sekolah menengah, sebab kawan2 akak dulu ramai dari aliran sains berbanding sastera

  51. Assalamualaikum akak, saya bekas student promax, haritu saya ada mohon encom as the first choice in upu, saya juga bekas pelajar sains tulen, cuma semasa result keluar haritu, subjek sains saya tak berapa bagus, tapi english saya A+, gce-o saya pun 1A, agak2nya saya ada peluang tak untuk join foundation encom ni, sebab kadang2 saya rasa risau kalau tak dapat hahahaha, maaf kalau menyusahkan :)

    1. waalaikumsalam. Kalau ikut kelayakan BI awak dah layak dah tu untuk mohon. Cumanya, bila UPU ni kan ikut nasib gak huhu. Kadang2 requirement dah mencukupi, tapi UPU pulak offer course lain kat kita. Dia tengok kuota jugak tu. Haritu dapat result UPU awak dapat apa? Sorry, akak baru cek blog, baru baca soalan awak

    2. Takpe kak, tak dapat la pulak, adeh :'), saya tggu second intake, harap2 dapatla, buat masa ni saya apply matriks dulu, for backup kalau2 sec intake pun tk dpt, trpaksala saya teruskan matriks

  52. Assalamualaikum kak, saya nak tanya. Saya from asasi law dengkil and tercampak masuk dalam mlcom uia, as if saya nak tukar masuk aikol... boleh ke? Means, tukar program camtu. Kalau boleh, saya kena mohon tukar program start bila ye? Awal sem 1, habis sem 1 atau habis first year? Ni macam out of topic, tapi saya tak jumpa sesiapa yg sharing psl ni 😭

  53. Waalaikumsalam..ok kalau nak tukar kos kan, awak kena up to date dgn announcement uni. UIA biasa bagi tukar kos awal sem, maybe start dari week 2 sehingga week 7 mcm tu. Usually la. Kalau awak ada group whatsapp/telegram yg ada senior2 mcm tu, boleh try tanya. Kalau ada contact number academic advisor, boleh tanya juga. Harap jawapan akak membantu!

  54. Assalamualaikum sis, Nak tanya kalau student lepasan stpm boleh terus ambik degree ke untuk ENCOM nie

  55. Hai kak,saya lepasan SPM,tgh tunggu result UPU keluar,nak tanya,kalau saya ambik asasi encom,boleh ke saya ambik degree psychology atau masscom,dan boleh ke apply degree kat University lain?

    1. Hai saya tolong jawab yeee. Setakat yang saya tahu, sijil asasi UIA ni memang takleh guna untuk mohon uni lain. Kalau nak amek physchology kat UIA pun, awak kena masuk asasi HS

  56. Assalammualaikum kak. :) Saya lepasan dip. business studies di KUIS. Nak ambil degree Encom mcm mana ya nak apply? Through UPU ke? And saya kena ambil foundation ke? Last question, degree encom di gombak kan?

  57. Assalam kak, nak tanya kalau student STPM boleh ke nak ambik course ENCOM?

  58. Assalamualaikum sis, saya nak jadi diplomat/pegawai kerajaan. setakat saya research ni ada 2 jalan. first, masuk asasi human science then sambung degree political science. second, masuk asasi encom then sambung degree encom. sis suggest kan pilih jalan yg mana? yg lebih sesuai dan tinggi peluang dia?


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