
Showing posts from January, 2017

Second stop: ALEXANDRIA!!!!

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. Jadi hari ni aku nak cerita pasal perjalanan aku ke Iskandariah a.k.a Alexandria pulak ye. Okay, semalam aku dah bagitahu perjalanan tu memakan masa lebih kurang 3 jam sebab ada berhenti makan kan.  Cara nak tahu dah sampai Alex ni senang ja. Nampak laut, maka dah sampai Alex la tu! 😂 So masa dok dalam coaster tu, bila dah nampak laut, seqonok la kita kan! Tapi laut kat Alex ni lain daripada laut biasa biasa ala ala kat Malaysia ni. Ombak ni ampunnnnn....kuat gila! Bila ombak hentam dinding pembatas tu, bedebang aku rasa lambat laun hancur jugak kang dinding tu! Kuat gila ombak dia!  Sebelum masuk bandar Alex, we stopped by kat one place ni called The Citadel of Qaitbay. Citadel ni maksudnya fort, ataupun kubu ataupun istana la dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Cantik tempat dia, dan yang paling paling paling menarik perhatian aku adalah ombak dia yang sangat sangat sangat kuat dan sekali splash tu silap hari bulan boleh tarik kau masuk laut kal...

First stop: CAIRO, Egypt

Assalamualaikum all. So my first stop was Cairo, Egypt. I arrived there on 7th January and it was still winter that time btw. However, I dengan berlagaknya keluar dari airport without wearing any sweater/coat/jacket and what not! Well, the weather during day time was quite bearable I must say. It was maybe around 14 degrees, so yeah that was bearable I guess (I did wear my thermal inside tho!). Right after putting our luggage in the coaster boot, we straight went to visit a few maqams (tombs) in Cairo. It was a very blessed trip, I can feel it. Bayangkanlah, the moment kitorang sampai Cairo je terus gi ziarah makam wali-wali dan tokoh-tokoh Islam zaman dahulu. I feel so blessed! Alhamdulillah  ╰(▔∀▔)╯ .   The very next day, at 8am we all started our journey to Iskandariah a.k.a Alexandria. I was very excited about going there because I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Alexandria! The ocean, the view... I just love it! So it took us about 3 hours by car since we stopped by to ...

End of voyage, back to REALITY

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. I just got home from a 3 week voyage to Egypt, Madinah, Makkah and Dubai. Boy, that was a very tiring but fun trip, apart from our overweight luggage hahahahaha. So yeah, I was 'planning' on sharing my experiences here, but it may take quite some time since my semester holiday is about to end in just a few days. However, I will try my best to post it ASAP yeah haha. This is NOT A PROMISE though, just a plan >.< I have to transfer the pictures on my laptop first anyways, then only will I start writing about my voyage haha. Well, that is it for now. See you guys next time (not sure when tho!)