Second stop: ALEXANDRIA!!!!

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. Jadi hari ni aku nak cerita pasal perjalanan aku ke Iskandariah a.k.a Alexandria pulak ye. Okay, semalam aku dah bagitahu perjalanan tu memakan masa lebih kurang 3 jam sebab ada berhenti makan kan. 

Cara nak tahu dah sampai Alex ni senang ja. Nampak laut, maka dah sampai Alex la tu! ๐Ÿ˜‚ So masa dok dalam coaster tu, bila dah nampak laut, seqonok la kita kan! Tapi laut kat Alex ni lain daripada laut biasa biasa ala ala kat Malaysia ni. Ombak ni ampunnnnn....kuat gila! Bila ombak hentam dinding pembatas tu, bedebang aku rasa lambat laun hancur jugak kang dinding tu! Kuat gila ombak dia! 

Sebelum masuk bandar Alex, we stopped by kat one place ni called The Citadel of Qaitbay. Citadel ni maksudnya fort, ataupun kubu ataupun istana la dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Cantik tempat dia, dan yang paling paling paling menarik perhatian aku adalah ombak dia yang sangat sangat sangat kuat dan sekali splash tu silap hari bulan boleh tarik kau masuk laut kalau berdiri dekat2! Aku ada ambil gambar kat situ, siap ada video tapi aku ni malas nak pindah masukkan video dalam youtube, pastu baru boleh nak masukkan dalam blog kan ha ha! (sorry not sorry)

The Citadel of Qaitbay, Alexandria
Tapi takpe, mana tahu satu hari nanti aku rajin hoho๐Ÿ˜†  Aku akan kepilkan gambar jugak kat dalam post ni, so boleh la korang tengok tengok haha. Ramai orang stopped by untuk bergambar kat sini, siap ber posing2 kemahen tepi pembatas tu, pastu bila nampak ombak datang, lari lintang pukang sebab takut basah kuyup kekeke!

Nampak tak wave besar dah splashhhh kat belakang tu!

I searched for the video of the ocean that I recorded tapi tak jumpa!!!!
 (;⌣̀_⌣́)...Dah transfer all the pics and videos ke dalam laptop, tah mana perginya pulak haih! Geram betul! Okay. Anyways, after that we all masuk bandar Alex and another spectacular view of the ocean and waves pulak ada hehehe! Before checking in the hotel, we all singgah Masjid Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi. 

I'm not quite sure which one is the Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque though. These 2 mosques are side by side so I got confused! Inside one of the mosques ada maqam Abu al-Abbas so we visited the maqam and prayed Zuhur in congregation and headed to the hotel and had a good rest!

The very next day (our last day there btw), we went to the King Farouk Palace and took some pictures and videos to be kept as memories๐Ÿ’• The palace was ridiculously big, wait not was huge?! Palace nya ciponet je, tapi halaman where they planted pokok2 kurma yang besarnya! The view was breathtaking, plus the strong wind that blew off our jubah and what not๐Ÿ˜‚

The castle!

View dia cenggini ha๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Lepastu ada la kitorang singgah maqam Nabi Danial & maqam Luqman Al-Hakim. I find the place where they place maqam Nabi Danial was so inappropriate tau. Kitorang kena turun tangga ni pastu betul2 bawah tangga yg kita dah langkah2 tu is the maqam ๐Ÿ˜ญ So inappropriate kan?? Rasa macam seolah2 tak menghormati nabi je! Anyways, I don't know the reason why they put it there, but they did it anyways. The story behind it I don't know. 

Maqam Luqman Al-Hakim
I didn't have the picture of Nabi Danial's maqam, but I have the video but this lazy blogger is too lazy to insert the video because the process is going to be too complicated for her (buta I.T punya manusia) ha ha. Sorry guys :d

**edited version** saya dah tahu macam mana nak upload video hehehe! So this is it!

Last but not least, sebelum kitorang tinggalkan bandar Alexandria tercinta ni, we stopped by this one ice cream shop where they sell delicious jumbo ice cream. The texture of the ice cream sangat lembut and dia mcm long lasting (haha serius tak tipu). Makan punya makan rasa macam tak habis-habis!

Alexandria ice cream๐Ÿ˜‹

Okay. So that's the end of our journey in Alexandria. Next stop will be Cairo again, where we spent our days in Egypt before flying off to Madinah :) I hope you guys enjoy reading this, and I'll continue my story another day๐Ÿ˜œ



  1. salam, camne boleh sampai kat sini? exchange student program or wht?

    1. Wasalam. Tak ada la, kalau pergi exchange student programme lagi best! Ni pergi jalan jalan dengan family je :)


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