Let the games begin!

Salam. Hi! Salam 7 Ramadhan! Woa dah seminggu dah Ramadhan kan? Huuuu how time flies! (*insert suara burung gagak berkicau)

Well, as I have mentioned in my previous entry, bulan Ramadhan ni aku amek short sem. And yeah, baru 3 hari kot start short sem, tapi aku dah rasa kebosanan dia tu T,T. Mana taknye, satu hari ada SATU je kelas. Pastu dalam seminggu ada 4 hari kelas lak tu! Dahla 2 je subjek aku amek sem ni. Mana tak bosannya life aku ceni. Raya pulak cuti seminggu je pastu sambung lectures lagi pastu baru final :(

Tapi pape pun, tadi baru first Interpersonal class, and setakat ni Madam tu nampak chillax je. Hopefully sampai habis sem la madam chillax gitu. However, madam dah start bg briefing pasal subjek ni, and what saddens me is that, yeah kitorang kena buat presentation gak. Duh, how could I forget yg ENCOM is all about presentation and communicating? haihh, another challenging experience i guess, though based on madam's briefing tadi, this subject sounds so cool and relaxing but hey ingat aku percaya 100% ke? never. Why? Because ENCOM is full with surprises. It is an unpredictable course so yeah. Guess that's all for now.Doakan yang terbaik utk aku. Adios!


  1. True! Never trust the first impression given by the lecturers! They all have something up their sleeves! Haha :-P


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