Debaran ILTC & IYSC!

Assalamualaikum! Dah lamaaaa sangat aku tinggal blog ni tak berpenghuni hahah sampai sawang dah bersepah kat sini haaa. Actually, takde benda menarik yang terjadi kat hidup aku pun lately ni. Apa yang aku sepanjang beberapa bulan terakhir tahun lepas, aku punya tahap stress memang tinggi. Takde la tinggi sangat sampai aku boleh jadi gila, tapi stress la weh. Research paper kena buat 2 je, tapi stress macam kan hape.

Sebenarnya dalam post kali ni aku just nak share pasal 2 conferences yang akan dikendalikan di IIUM tak lama lagi. Conference yang first, which is the International Language and Tourism Conference (ILTC) untuk lecturers from all over the world present paper dorang and the second conference tu which is the International Young Scholars Conference (IYSC) is for undergraduates students from all over the world to present their paper. Both conferences ni organised by my Kulliyyah, Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM). So I am proud to say that I am proud to be part of the kulliyyah especially to be part of the conference itself. Ni first time aku jadi committee sepanjang masuk IIUM actually haha so yeah I hope to learn new things and gain new experiences!

If you guys are interested to join the conference, the information are as below:


Date    : 21 & 22 January 2016
Time   : 8 am - 6 pm
Venue : KICT Building, International Islamic University Malaysia


Date    : 23rd January 2016
Time   : 8 am - 6 pm
Venue : KICT Building, International Islamic University Malaysia

Aku cuak jugak sebenarnya menghitung hari nak conference ni walaupun aku tak present pun hak hak tapi still cuak because ni dahla first time aku join jadi committee, pastu terus event besar hahahaha! Tolong doakan semoga everything goes well!

Pape sila cekidaut link di bawah:


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