
Salam eberibodi! So, aku rasa macam dah lama tak menaip, hence this post gahahaha!
Well, tbh I have nothing interesting to post but oh well wtv. I'm gonna just share a picture of the kurtis that I just got from ma auntie today. She just got back from her 1 month holiday or should I say exploration to India hahaha. Merata India dia jelajah, aku mampu jealous jela tengok ye ha ha ha.

Anywayssss, here's the pic of it! I am absolutely NOT a good photographer. So please don't judge my photography (skills) okay haha :P

 I was like...WOWWWWWW quite surprised with the colours of the kurtis! I mean, I've never worn any yellow baju for such a longgggggg time now so yeah I guess this is a new start for me hahaha :p

K dah tu je update post aku harini haha takde cerita dah. Bye and Assalamualaikum!



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