Salam all! Hope you guys are doing fine wherever you are \(^▽^)/

Jadi harini tiba2 rasa terpanggil untuk sambung tulis pasal ENCOM ni haha :P Sebenarnya aku pun tak sure apa yang nak share pasal ENCOM ni hahaha sebab balik2 soalan2 yang orang tanya pun pasal ASASI je hohohoho! Aku ni kata je terpanggil, pastu tak tahu nak cakap apa haha (;⌣̀_⌣́)

So, sekarang ni aku dah 3rd year 1st sem. Tak cool mana pun dah 3rd year ni. Makin botak kepala ada la hahaha. Workload masih tak berkurang, susah makin susah hahaha so memang tak cool mana pun la citer dia ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ Sem ni, tahun ni AKHIRNYA baru ada wakil dari KLM yang grad wohooo! Ada 7 orang semuanya. Tahniah buat 7 super seniorsku yang bakal grad esok ni! Congrats sebab berjaya survive dalam ENCOM ni hahaha & terima kasih atas perkongsian & nasihat2 yang korang pernah bagi kat kitorang selama ni (◕‿◕)♡

Semoga kami pun dapat grad dengan keputusan yang baik mcm uolls <3 Jangan lupa doakan kami yang masih struggling kat UIA tu hehehehe! Adik2 juniors yang masih struggling kat Asasi tu, moga terus tabah menghadapi segala perit getir kehidupan sebagai salah seorang dari keluarga KLM muehehhe (o・_・)ノ”(ノ_<、) *pats on the back*

Btw, this month, KLM will be organizing KLM Open Day starting from 22nd Nov - 25th Nov! Don't miss this chance and please please please promote to your friends too! And make sure to drag them together with you and join us here in KICT! The details are as follow:

What a great time to be alive! Why?

KLMSS is proudly presenting... the very first 🎉KLM FESTIVAL 2016 ! 🎉

💁🏻 Never heard of us? Countless confusions about KLM? Fear no more, revelation is here!

🇲🇾 To celebrate the diversity of cultures, we have different cultural exhibitions, all day everyday!

🚚 We have numerous food trucks for you food lovers out there!

🎮 Looking for fun? We have games up here too. Modern games? Traditional games? Why not both!

🛍 And for those shopping freaks, good thing we have an ATM up here! Get your wallets ready for a spree you'll never want to miss! 

💃And other fun entertainment awaits you!

📅 22-25 Nov 2016
📍 KICT Roundabout & Multipurpose Hall
 9AM to 6PM

📌 Save the date cause we can't wait to see you there! #KLMFest2016

Okay jangan lupa datang tau! Tu je update today. Bai!!


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