
Salam and hi everyone. 

So today I am supposed to do some revision for my upcoming final exam. So, I just checked on my email to download the notes for my exam...AND sadly and unfortunately, I came across the offer letters email and the emails regarding the Turkey exchange programme  that I was supposed to join next year. I can't lie to myself that I am still sad with the fact that I am not joining my friends for the exchange programme. Joining the exchange programme was one of my dreams 😭😭😭 But then yeah, I rejected the offer due to some valid and strong reasons.

I am very aware that I should just... you know redha dengan ketentuan Allah, and to always believe that my time will come and Allah has better plans for me. Seeing my friends who joined exchange programme in Japan and Korea made me sad and heartbroken even more huhu😢 Mama & abah pun dah banyak kali cakap and remind me that my time will come, and that I can always do my Masters overseas if I really want to feel the excitement studying outside Malaysia. 

However, I will always believe that if I really want something, always pray to Allah because He is the All-Hearing and He knows what's best for EVERYONE. To anyone who reads my blog, please make du'a for me. Doakan aku dapat merasa belajar kat luar negara and semoga aku dapat banyak manfaat dari tu, and semoga dapat menjadi manusia yang dapat berkhidmat kepada agama, bangsa dan negara 😁

Terima kasih & Assalamualaikum 🙋


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