End of Internship, Road to Convocation!

Assalamualaikum hiiii anyone!

I just feel like writing since I have nothing much to do in the office. So...my internship will end this coming Saturday (8/9/18) and to be honest, I think I have a mix of feelings about this haha. I feel happy, of course, because at last I will have time to sleep in and start reading the books that I have bought and got for my birthday LOL! 

However, a teeny tiny part of my heart is saying that I will definitely, definitely miss working here. I'll miss the animals here, the environment, the noise made by the siamangs every single day throughout the 3 month internship here haha! I'll be missing 'Comel' the giraffe, the wallabies, as well as the deer! They are such cuties T__T

Although I kind of plan asking for permission to come here once in a while to help out on the lake project heee. Let's just hope I'll get approval straight away! Indeed, life sure is funny. As been mentioned in the Quran, the things that you like does not mean they are good for you, and on the other hand, the things that you hated might be the best for you, and that's what happened to me kekeke...

"Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not" (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:216)

So there goes my love-hate relationship with the zoo hahaha! I seriously love working for the animals (it sounds so wrong!), not as a slave to them (LOL!) but more to like helping them to get what they should get to feel at home (read: natural habitat). I wouldn't say I'm an animal lover or whatnot, but in a way.. I do want to help them. I guess I just love making people (or animals in this case) feel comfortable. It makes me happy and the feeling of satisfaction is such a cure to the heart.

I have met and made some new friends here, and I have learnt so many from them. I learn through observation though. I wish to learn more, and observe more in life, because that's how we will and can learn right? I met people of many attitudes, temperaments, and all that are teaching me and act as a reminder to myself, to NEVER BE like that, because you know it hurts people, it makes people hate you, curse you or worst, to hold a grudge on you (Nauzubillahi min zalik!). So be good, and don't do things that you wouldn't like or want people to do to you yeah? #donereminding

Hehehehe, that is all.

Thank you so much for stopping by and read my post :))


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