I've graduated, already?!

Assalamualaikum all! So today marks the 11th day after my convocation hahaha!

So on 11.11.18, was my convocation day at IIUM Gombak. Apparently my convocation was IIUM's 34th convocation ceremony. To be honest, I was freaking nervous 2-3 days before the D-day, and I don't know why. Maybe I know but I just don't wanna know haha. Okay, enough of this crap, let's start the story of my convocation day.

It was not that exciting for me tbh, I think it's because I feel weird that I'm about to end my journey in IIUM as a student. More precisely, as an undergraduate student. The reality of life and the idea of adulting sure is creeping me out, therefore there was a mixture of feelings about getting convocated! A feeling of sadness, excitedness, fear, and I don't know what else I was feeling at that time.

However, deep down in my heart, I would say that I am somewhat proud of myself, that I was able to graduate on time. I'm not the "Dean's list" type of student, and I get stressed really easily (i mean really easilyyy), and not to mention, I am not the "study" type too, if you get what I mean. I screwed up in most of my class presentations and I'm really bad at tests hahaha! I'm just an average student.

Ever since primary school up until now, I always, always and constantly remind myself to NEVER COMPARE my life with other people. I have always been stuck with clever people hahaha, it was a bonus I tell you, and a big challenge! but even with that constant (positive) reminder to myself, I too, got demotivated at times (every semester in my degree life even!). I sometimes even got fed up with myself! But, I am lucky enough to have myself, with this positive mindset (only sometimes though), and something that I always hold on to, in which Allah has planned something else for me. I may not be bloody clever like my friends, or I'm not the gifted type of person who can do well even though they barely study, play a lot and sleep a lot, but I am gifted for something else. I still don't know what though, but I hope I'll know soon!

To CONSTANTLY reminding yourself to keep on moving forward, chase your dreams and to NEVER STOP believing that Allah has a better plan for you is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. You cannot depend on people to motivate and remind you all the time. YOU have to do it yourself. I used to depend so much on people to motivate me, but after a while, I realised that family and friends won't forever be with me to push me. They have their own problems and life too. Therefore, we have to motivate and remind ourselves. I still depend on people to motivate me and give me advice sometimes, but I am trying to stand on my own two feet more now. After all, it's my life, and I'm in charge of it.

Everyone has their own pace, their own time of achieving things in life. You might see your friends  getting Dean's list every freaking sem, graduated with their names under the Rector's list (CGPA 3.6 & above), getting married, or some even have kids already at your age, while you are still waiting and looking for your Mr. Right. Some may already have a job that they have always wanted and aim for, or some even went to further their studies, and there you are, staying at home, lying on bed and pondering what are you doing and what have you achieved so far in life. That's normal. I mean, that kind of thought is normal. However, what's even normal is when you stand up, get your (sorry) shit together and start taking charge of your life! Whenever you're about to despair, remember! Allah is always there for you, raise your hands and start praying. Never lose hope with yourself! Masing-masing ada bahagian tersendiri. They may have something that you don't have, and you may have something that they don't have.

Having positive thinking friends and supportive friends is important too. If you have a friend/s who is always there for you, keep on motivating you, keep them. Cherish them. Support each other. A friend in need is a friend indeed kan!... Hey, I was supposed to write about my convocation, but this is getting somewhere else hahaha! Anyways, to those who are still struggling with their studies, KEEP ON MOVING! YOU CAN DO IT! If I can do it, SO CAN YOU! Cherish your moment of becoming a student, because I tell you, you are going to miss it the moment you start doing your internship hahaha! Just focus on achieving your goals, but remember! DO NOT BE SELFISH while achieving it. Okay, enough babbling, that is all from me.

Here's a pic from our pre convo photoshoot  ( ◡‿◡ *)


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