Am I... aging?!

Assalamualaikum (`・ω・´)ゞ
Hey, suddenly I feel like I'm aging. Dōshite?!?

Why I'm feeling like this is because I realised...I'm starting to isolate myself more, even more than before.

For example, whenever my friends ask me whether I'm free or not to go out with them kan, my first respond would be like, "Aghhhh I'm too lazy to go out (dalam hati) . I would love to go out but not with friends" or something like that. I just don't feel like going out and do the things that people usually do when they lepak with their friends. My introvert side is showing even more now.

Is it a sign of aging or am I undergoing the de-penetration? Why why why???

I hope this is a good sign, showing that I am becoming more mature and not into lepak lepak anymore hahahaha! It's not that me and my friends always lepak, and do unbeneficial activities or what, but entahla. The feeling to spend time with friends are decreasing, maybe it's because my dad often restricts me from going out with my friends (。•́︿•̀。), and the answer to my request to go out always ends up with a big "NO". So I guess that's one of the reasons I'm like this now aye? It's the effect of being rejected multiple times all this time hahaha hmmm. 

I also realise that I don't chat (Whatsapp) as much as I did before. Before this I would always kacau my friends by Whatsapping them, but now...aku dah somewhat jadi malas nak start chat dulu. Sebelum ni memang aku asyik start dulu, kalau aku tak chat dulu, takde sape nak chat ngan aku dulu kannn hahaha sadis betul (⌣_⌣”)

So I guess perubahan pada diri aku sekarang ni kemungkinan besar sebab aku dah bosan jadi initiator kot. I started realizing this bila ada this one time aku cakap kat kawan aku yang aku dengan dia dah jarang sembang/chat. Pastu dia cakap, "Whatsapp jelah dulu!" and I'm like, "Dude, selama ni bukan memang aku yang selalu whatsapp kau dulu ke?" (dalam hati). Balik-balik aku yang kena cari kau dulu kan! Makanya sejak itu aku sudah malas mesej orang dulu. Lantak ko lah. Pandai-pandai lah kau cari aku nanti, aku chao lu HAHAAHAHA, it was to that extent wo! I've had enough with humans, I'll start minding my own business je mulai sekarang. 

However, I don't behave like this with everyone, its only with certain people. To those yang perasan I've been treating you differently from before, I hope you know why now. It's not like I don't want to be friends with you guys anymore, it's just that this time, I'm changing my style ihiks! (ノ#-_-)ノAku dah bosan asyik macam aku je hegeh hahahaha, hegeh la sangat kan!

Okay, I'm done bambling. Hope you guys get my message and 'curhat' kekekeke. Tata!


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