ENCOM Part 3: Degree Ver.

Here goes, the long awaited, and the most requested post ever!

In this post, I will share about what I did throughout my 4 years of degree taking ENCOM (2014-2018). However, the comments and review regarding the subjects may differ from what other people thought because my comments are made based on my understanding and judgment. 

Without further ado, here goes!

As you guys might know already by now, ENCOM is an English course that consists of 2 ½ elements; Communication, Linguistics and a half of Management. If you think ENCOM is the same as TESL or BENL (Bachelor in English Language and Literature), hmmmm think again haha! Our subjects are mixtures of communication and linguistics. Later in my next post I'll list down the subjects yeah. Another thing about this course is that, we are focused at mainly 2 things:

 1) Being able to communicate well (presentation in class or outside class) and 
 2) Ability to write academically (write research paper).  

For every subject, there are 2 to 4 requirements that students need to fulfill. You are required to:

1) Be active in forums

In every subject in KLM, we will have forums. Forum means online discussion. Students and lecturers are required to participate in the forum online, on IIUM website; iTaleem. Here, lecturers will upload questions that are related to the topics that you have learnt or will be learning in class and the students will have to participate actively. Forums will be assessed, and marks will be given for each post you made. Some lecturers are not really keen on forums, but it depends really. Most of them are enthusiastic though, haha! 

2) Presentation (individual/group)

If you're lucky enough to get a generous lecturer, you'll be able to do presentations in group, which means, less pressure and less nervous! Buuuttt, usually for linguistics subjects you'll need to do individual presentation ihiks! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Some lecturers require you to do presentation on a new topic related to the subject but most of the time the topics that you need to present are the topics that are in the syllabus. Meaning, you lecturer will teach let's say, 3 topics and the rest will be presented and taught by students. Don't worry, they will add on to your presentation if it lacks of information or if you're wrong. No worries!

3) Class Project (group)

Most of ENCOM subjects require us to have a class project. It can be a big or a small project depends on your lecturer. For example, when I was in my first year, I had 2 projects during my first semester. Our Introduction to International Communication class was required to host an event, kind of an open day whereby we did an International Food Festival. We had to combine with the ARCOM students because as they say, the more the merrier right?! It was really a big event. Although it was just a class project, but since we had to invite the whole IIUM to the event, it has become really BIG (」゜ロ゜)」. As for our next project, it was for Introduction to World Literature class. During that time, our lecturer wanted us to do a theatre! So we were like zombies for the whole freaking sem, juggling between presentations, forums, assignments like research paper, the food festival and oh well, also the theatre. Again, for this project, we had to combine with the ARCOM students, and this time together with MLCOM students as well. What a sem! We survived fortunately, and didn't become crazy afterwards hahaha (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖

At our Japanese booth, in Japanese clothing

Japanese sushi chef ft. Chinese Empress

4) Research Paper (individual/group)

Andddd yes, after all those things mentioned above, we still need to do this before the sem ends,      ha ha. For this particular work, most of the time it needs to be done individually, meaning you will have to write and do the research on your own. As for group research, even though it's a group thingy, you still have to do it individually. Meaning, you will have to divide parts of the research with your group mates. Let's say you're doing chapter 2 and your other mates are doing chap 1, 3 and 5. Lastly you'll compile the chapters into one paper. The workload is definitely lesser if its done in a group compared to doing it individualy from chap 1-5 right?

Most subjects have all 4 requirements but some only have 3, minus the class project. I really hope this post benefits those who will be joining my ENCOM fam :) Don't worry, even though it sounds really crazy and unmanageable, you'll do fine. Like I did! Nothing comes easy in life. You need to gain it, only then you will appreciate life >w< There you go, if you have anything to ask just leave it in the comment box below and I'll try my best to answer ASAP yeah:) 

Tata! (*ゝω・)ノ


  1. assalam kak, apa beza public relations dengan international relations ya? boleh terangkan dengan lebih lanjut tak pasal career ni?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Hmmm, tbh akak pun mcm x tahu nak cerita mcm mana hehe. Tapi apa yg akak ingat drpd apa yg akak study dulu, public relations ni mcm strategic communication untuk build mutually beneficial rship antara organizations and their public. Contohnya, awak kerja dgn public relation firm en, pastu client awak ada isu, katakan ada isu terima rasuah. So awak as a public relation officer kena handle isu tu. Skrg ni public dah mengamuk bila keluar dlm news pasal client awak ada kes rasuah. So awak kena jadi org tengah, pulihkan nama client awak balik. Awak kena handle press release atau apa2 yg patut utk maintain/improve image client awak gitu. Kalau nak faham lg pasal PR ni, boleh la tgk movie The Greatest Showman haha. PT Barnum dlm movie tu antara org yang boom kan dunia PR ni kih3.

      International relations pulak, kita byk study pasal international law. Belajar ttg hubungan diplomatik, pasal sejarah negara etc. Kalau bercita2 nak kerja PTD, or ambassador or things related to that, this subject is for you :) hope my explanation helps!

  2. Assalamualaikum kak... boleh ke ug encom minta tukar course kepada tesl lepas dah masuk sem 1 nanti?

    1. waalaikumsalam. Boleh nak try, tapi dorang akan tengok kekosongan kos yg awak nak apply tu juga. Better tukar masa awal2 masuk, kalau betul awak dah nekad nak tukar kos. Sebab nanti mcm rugi 1 sem pulak. Usually boleh start apply tukar kos starting week 2 or 3 hingga week 7, usually la. Kena tanya academic advisor or officer encom (wakil student encom) untuk kepastian tarikh dibenarkan tukar kos tu. Tapi lets say awak nak try study dlm encom dulu utk 1 sem, awak boleh try apply tukar kos next sem bila ada opening utk tukar kos:) Hope my reply helps! Sorry lambat reply


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