ENCOM PART 4: Degree Subjects

Assalamualaikum. Ok post kali ni nak share subjects yang you guys will need to take during your degree years.

First Year :

Introduction to International Communication (Inter Comm)
Introduction to World Literature (World Lit)
Introduction to Linguistics
English for Academic Writing (EAW)
Persuasion & Speech Communication
English at Workplace
Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Second Year:

Interpersonal Communication (IPC)
International Relations (IR)
Phonetics and Phonology
Intercultural Communication (Intercul)
Research Methodology (RM)

Third Year:

Public Relations (PR)
Communication Law and Ethics (Comm Law)
International Business Communication (IBC)
Applied Linguistics
Digital Media & Communication (Digimed)
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Discourse Analysis
Corporate Communication 

Fourth Year:

Muslims & the New Media (MNM)
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
Translation Studies
Final Year Project (FYP)

As for the class projects that I did according to the subjects, keep on reading.


Theatre (World Lit)
School Project - engaging with school students (Persuasion & Speech Comm)
Mock interview with real people from the working industry ( Persuasion & Speech Comm)
Create a blog - share your culture & your international friend's (Intercul)
Organize International Food Festival (Inter Comm)
KLM Open Day - join to open own booth (IBC)
Become a facilitator for a school English Camp (IPC)
Mini Seminar - present your research in a seminar (Discourse Analysis)
Video Projects (Inter Comm, CMC, Digimed & MNM)

Ok done!


  1. Salam kak, nk tnye dulu akak struggle x utk subject applied linguistics tu, bcs im currently taking that subject in my 2nd year and subject tu mcm quite hard to hadam, been thinking to drop the subject and amik time 3rd year

    1. Wassalam. Sorry baru perasan mesej. Applied linguistics dulu akak amik masa 3rd year. Yes, akak igt subjek tu agak mencabar. Try consult & minta tunjuk ajar lecturer lain kalau unfind it difficult to understand. Also, study group among friends can also help to better understand :) Hope this helps!

  2. Salam kak, do you perhaps have any tips on how to choose fyp topic? I will be doing my fyp next sem but I'm quite lost now on what to do 🥹


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