IIUM Pagoh Part 3: Kulliyyah of Languages and Management

Assalamualaikum peeps! Today's entry is gonna be about Kulliyyah of Languages and Management a.k.a KLM. I won't go into details though, just a brief one, more like showing you around KLM using pictures hahaha...Oh here's a reminder, this is just a short post since I only have like what..2 or 3 pictures of the kulliyyah ahahaha! What a bummer! But I managed to kidnap some relevant pics from Google, so yeah. Sorry in advance..

1. KLM entrance

As you go in, you'll see the parking area

On the left side is where most offices are and right side is OSEM (security office) & Office of Student Affairs

You are free to park at any of the parking spots here, EXCEPT the roofed parking space. Those are for Deputy Deans and KLM official cars.

No, don't park here!

2. Class Blocks

There are 4 blocks in total with 2 levels. There are 2 types of classrooms. One is the normal one, a bit sempit I would say and the other one is TPHM workshop classroom which is so big and I loveee having classes there. Less struggle to get a seat!

3. Resource Centre

Here we have reference books for students from all 4 courses to refer to and computers for students to use. There are tables for students to study on. There's also printing service provided so easier for students to print things out.

4. Shared Facilities

There are a few shared facilities available such as the main surau, courts- futsal court, netball court, swimming pool, library, theatre halls and multipurpose halls.


  1. Salam kak, kite minat nak pursue degree arabic lang in international communication kt IIUM Pagoh tu. Akak ada any contacts tk org yg da grad or mungkin dlm 4th year. Kite nk tanye soalan sikit tntg course tu.

    1. ada ada...could you leave me your email? nanti lepas akak dah bgtau kawan arcom tu akak email kayy :)


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