ENCOM Part 4: Memorable Class Project Videos!!!

Assalamualaikum dear readers! Ohoyy! I hope everyone who is reading this is in a good health, despite the crazy outbreak we are currently facing (the deadly virus, i must not mention it's name, but oh you know what).

So in today's entry, I feel like would it be fun if I share my class project videos? So that's just what I am going to do now, and I really hope you guys enjoy watching them as much as I enjoyed doing it!

So here goes nothing O(≧▽≦)O...

#1 Intercultural Communication - Beauty is You

This video was inspired from one of Dove's video projects :) Through this video, we hope that we can help more women out there to realize how beautiful they are inside out!

#2 Computer Mediated Communication - JOM Ride Share App

The second video is a project whereby we were required to make our own mobile application. Therefore, we came out with the idea to make an application called Jom Ride Share. This application aims to help students in Pagoh Edu Hub in getting a ride to wherever they want especially to class :)  

#3 Muslim New Media - We are the same

This video was specially made for our Japanese friends as a medium to make them understand that Muslims are just normal human beings like they are. We also have hobbies, we also love make up, but one of the differences between the Muslims and the non-Muslims is that we have boundaries. We can wear make up, but never too much because it will draw people's attention (for example). We can dress nicely like other people, but must always according to what the syariah requires us to (don't wear sexy clothes, hijab must cover whats needed) and many other things. Most importantly, we never feel like all this things are restricting us from doing our daily activities. It's just that we have our own ways in doing it because we have rules to follow, and these rules are not a burden for us, but it is to teach us discipline :D

That's all for this entry. Enjoy watching!


  1. assalammualaikum sister, hi, i've been reading your blog about ENCOM since yesterday. I love English. i am considering to apply ENCOM in UIA, but previously i studied in diploma health science in private college. May i ask what do you think, the traits of someone who really want to pursue this course? Like, in general, what should i be mentally prepare? Tq in advance :)

  2. waalaikumsalam sis:) Thank you for stopping by! Personally, i dont think you need to have any specific traits to pursue in ENCOM. You dont have to be fluent in english pun, for the time being. Tapi eventually bila you dah masuk ENCOM lah you akan learn things. Belajar utk bercakap in english dgn confident, bljr cakap guna grammar yg betul, belajar utk present, buat slides yg menarik, etc. For example, masa zaman asasi ENCOM dulu, kitorang kena amik subjek Public Speaking tau. So, dalam kelas tu asyik kena buat presentation. Presentation yg impromptu lak tu hahaha... Pastu kan, untuk semua kelas memang kena buat presentation je memanjang tau! masatu baru lepasan SPM kan, kat sekolah pun cakap BI dalam kelas BI je. Tu pun sepatah dua je kikiki! So masa masuk asasi tu memang seram sejuk ah setiap kali kena buat presentation >w<

    As for mental preparation, I think you need to be prepared in terms of buat presentation dengan banyak. Katakan satu sem you amik 4 subjek ENCOM, so u need to keep in mind yg its not gonna be a full lecture by the lecturer for the whole sem. Lecturer akan ajar tp nanti kita kena present gak topik2 to be covered dalam syllabus. And class activities, class assessment semua banyak memerlukan awak utk present (dalam kelas atau depan audience luar) as well as kena tulis research paper. Tp research paper tu normally around 5-10 pages gitu je. Tapi kena buat questionnaire jugak la utk kumpul data apa semua sbb its a mini research. Gitu la serba sedikit mental preparation kena buat kot hihi. Kalau ada soalan lagi, tanya je tau! I hope this helps!


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