Hey friend, you Okay?

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!
Its been sooooo long since my last post right😅 My life has been on a roller coaster this year. I wasn't in a good state due to online classes, study from home...it sucks! Who's here with me? Put up your hands!!! What's your opinion about working from home and online classes? Do you enjoy it or do you hate it? Let me know in the comment box! 

Though I admit, there are a lot of advantages wfh and studying from home. But let's be real, adapting to the new norm is not easy right. As for me, the reason why I prefer to have a face-to-face class and staying in campus is because I enjoy going to class. I enjoy meeting friends, having discussions and eating with friends... is such a blessing! And its like a therapy for me. Now that half of our freedom 'nikmat' is taken away, basically everyone is struggling. Some people adapted to the new norm really well, but some others are having a really hard time adapting. 

As we all know, mental illness has been really common nowadays. Awareness about mental health has increased and more and more people started to acknowledge it now, compared to before. People start to become more open about seeking for professional help such as counsellors, psychiatrists and clinical counsellors or clinical psychologists. 

I have a question...what's your opinion about meeting a professional helper? Do you have any negative stigma when people tell you that they are meeting a counsellor or a therapist? Tell me what are your thoughts about it! I would like to know :) No worries, I won't judge!😏 Hahaha! Nahh, I'm serious. I won't. 

One thing I would like to remind each and everyone who reads this, please don't swallow your pain and struggles alone. Even though you might feel embarrassed to share your issues and concerns with anyone because you might have the thought that, "well, everyone's struggling. I shouldn't bother them." If you're having such thoughts, HOLD IT RIGHT THERE MISTER!! What are we? Who are we? We are HUMANS. It is the human nature that we are indeed WEAK. Weak as in, we need help to get through life. Be it Allah's help, or the help from another human being, just admit it that...WE REALLY NEED HELP. Don't feel bad for asking help from other people. If you feel stressed, sad, anxious, angry, disappointed or even happy, share it someone you really trust and feel safe with. If you feel like you have none, you can always opt for an outsider's help- like counsellors. Afraid to be out there during this deadly pandemic? You can always get for help online. There are plenty of free apps available nowadays. You can talk to a professional helper on the phone, or if you're too shy to talk on the phone, you can always chat with them! 

I'll be sharing a few apps here, so feel free to check em out okay! What's important is to GET HELP! If you can prevent things from getting worse, then why wait? While waiting for the right time to get help, you are putting yourself at risk. Your wellbeing is so important, it is an AMANAH, a trust given by Allah, to us. So it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to take a good care of it while we are still alive.

Below are some of the apps I have mentioned about.

2. Befrienders 03-7956 8145 (24 hrs) or email at  sam@befrienders.org.my. 
3. Download the PlusVibes apps from Google Play or App Store. Just search for PlusVibes. They have a lot of interesting articles, mindfulness activities and videos related to mental health, relationships, love, finance and many others! Make sure to check em out!
4. KafeTeen by LPPKN. They offer chatting services online!


PlusVibes Activities



Remember, GET HELP IF YOU NEED TO! Don't be ashamed and never think yourself as a burden to other people if you seek for help. Getting help is your right as a human being. So, go get your help ASAP and don't procrastinate! Loving yourself and self care is so important:) All the best! <3


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