Question: To graduate or to not graduate?

 Final semester is finally approaching, in a few weeks time. Probably less than a week, i think! I'm starting to sweat again, panicking! I still have not gain courage to apply for a placement anywhere because anxiety kicks in everytime I think about it. Tell me what is the best way for me to reduce this anxiety feeling? Because its tiring, and its pulling me backwards. I can list all the consequences if I do not apply for a placement ASAP, but its not strong enough to force me doing what I'm supposed to do :(

I'd really appreciate if anyone could teach me and share tips to overcome this anxiety without forcing myself to face it hahahaha! (is that EVEN possible tho???😆). If there's no other way, then fine. I'll just have to force myself until I make it!

                                                                        Literally, me!


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