
Question: To graduate or to not graduate?

 Final semester is finally approaching, in a few weeks time. Probably less than a week, i think! I'm starting to sweat again, panicking! I still have not gain courage to apply for a placement anywhere because anxiety kicks in everytime I think about it. Tell me what is the best way for me to reduce this anxiety feeling? Because its tiring, and its pulling me backwards. I can list all the consequences if I do not apply for a placement ASAP, but its not strong enough to force me doing what I'm supposed to do :( I'd really appreciate if anyone could teach me and share tips to overcome this anxiety without forcing myself to face it hahahaha! (is that EVEN possible tho???😆). If there's no other way, then fine. I'll just have to force myself until I make it!                                                          ...

2021 Life Update

 Assalamualaikum, hi there. It's been quite some time since I last wrote here. It has been such a challenging year for me with many, many, many unexpected experiences that I've been through. Last April, I managed to get an internship placement at a school nearby my home. Unfortunately, after 4 days being there, the school closed. PKP nationwide. Weeks after weeks, months after months and its suddenly July. It has been 3 months since the school was closed.  So here's the sad story. My supervisor contacted me to ask for my internship status at the school. So, I told her, according to my understanding from the letter that my university gave the school, I was allowed to do my internship there UNTIL I finished collecting my hours. Because there's a statement in the letter that was written like that, or at least that has made me understand it that way. But, no! That statement was farrrrrrr different from what I understood. So, on 25th July, my internship ended. JUST.LIKE.THAT...

Master's Journey Part 3: Practicum experience during Covid-19 Pandemic

 Assalamualaikum and happy Eid! Today, I'll be sharing with everyone my very first practicum experience as a trainee counsellor. As been mentioned in my previous post, half of my practicum journey was spent in Darul Quran, Kuala Kubu Bharu. I reported for duty on 4th January 2021 and I spent almost 3 months there. I did my practicum there with my classmate, Kak Nonie and there was another fella with us from another university. Anyway, we were told that the students will only come back on the 20th, so until then we will have to do other things. After less than a week being there, the govt decided to have PKP. So during that 2 weeks, Kak Nonie and I went back to KL and only 2 weeks later we came back to DQ. I still remember, I had my first ever ever client on 26th January, and oh boy was I the happiest person on Earth upon receiving a message from that particular client😆 I am forever grateful to her! Anyways, all in all my journey there was a valuable one. Not just it was my first e...

Master's Journey Part 2: My Practicum Story

 Assalamualaikum and salam Ramadhan everyone~ So as some of you might already know, I am currently pursuing my masters degree in Guidance and Counselling. Also, currently I am in my 4th semester out of 5 semesters in total. 1 semester to go!!! Ganbatte dear self!! o(*≧□≦)o  Man, it was a loooonggg journey, at a short period of time. It doesn't feel THAT long, but it somewhat was full with a dozen of challenges that made it felt like its been yearsssss!  Last semester (3rd semester) I was required to do my practicum. Okay, so here's the deal with counselling, we have sort of 3 internship:   1. Practicum  - Practicum is basically a pre-internship thingy whereby initially students are required to practice conducting face-to-face counselling sessions with clients WITHIN their campus. So, supposedly I only needed to find clients among UPM staff/students and collect around 252 hours  whereby we are OBLIGATED to collect 96 hours of ftf session which includes indi...

Hey friend, you Okay?

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps! Its been sooooo long since my last post right😅 My life has been on a roller coaster this year. I wasn't in a good state due to online classes, study from sucks! Who's here with me? Put up your hands!!! What's your opinion about working from home and online classes? Do you enjoy it or do you hate it? Let me know in the comment box!  Though I admit, there are a lot of advantages wfh and studying from home. But let's be real, adapting to the new norm is not easy right. As for me, the reason why I prefer to have a face-to-face class and staying in campus is because I enjoy going to class. I enjoy meeting friends, having discussions and eating with friends... is such a blessing! And its like a therapy for me. Now that half of our freedom 'nikmat' is taken away, basically everyone is struggling. Some people adapted to the new norm really well, but some others are having a really hard time adapting.  As we all know, mental il...

ENCOM Part 4: Memorable Class Project Videos!!!

Assalamualaikum dear readers! Ohoyy! I hope everyone who is reading this is in a good health, despite the crazy outbreak we are currently facing (the deadly virus, i must not mention it's name, but oh you know what). So in today's entry, I feel like would it be fun if I share my class project videos? So that's just what I am going to do now, and I really hope you guys enjoy watching them as much as I enjoyed doing it! So here goes nothing O(≧▽≦)O... #1 Intercultural Communication - Beauty is You This video was inspired from one of Dove's video projects :) Through this video, we hope that we can help more women out there to realize how beautiful they are inside out! #2 Computer Mediated Communication - JOM Ride Share App The second video is a project whereby we were required to make our own mobile application. Therefore, we came out with the idea to make an application called Jom Ride Share. This application aims to help students in Pagoh Ed...


Assalamualaikum & hello everyone! I.AM.BACK!!!! Harini nak sambung share pasal Jepun lah. So haritu aku dah cerita pasal hotel kitorang kat Asahikawa kan? Jadi harini nak cerita sikit pasal makanan yang hmmm takdelah status halal 100% macam kat Malaysia ni, tapi makanan yang Muslim-friendly lah. Sebab Jepun tu bukan negara Islam kan. Islam kat sana pun minoriti je, so kalau nak cari yang ada logo halal macam kita kat sini memang susah la hahaha. Ok jom kita mulakan! Before aku pergi Jepun, aku dah consult dulu dengan member2 aku yang pernah study kat Jepun, macam mana nak tahu makanan tu halal/ Muslim-friendly ke tak? Kedai mana je yang boleh makan? So member aku berbaik hati share Muslim-friendly food map untuk Asahikawa. Malangnya phone aku rosak, map tu semua ada kat phone lama tu huwarghhh! So aku akan share apa yang ada jelah ek uhuks! 1. Asahikawa Ramen Ichikura This was our first ever meal upon arriving in Hokkaido. We were randomly looking for halal restauran...